

Blog Archive

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Tag from Chew (I dont sulk)

Starting time: 12: 56 pm
Name: Eve
Sisters: None
Brothers: 2 elder brothers
Shoe Size: uh.... 6?
Height: roughly 1.2m .. i think

Where do you live: Arana Hall
Favourite drinks: Cold water, mostly (whaaaat?)
Favourite breakfast: Omelette, crispy bacon, pancakes .. mmmmm (tho i normally have toast, yogurt, cereal)

Have you ever been on a plane?: yes
Swam in the ocean: yes
Fallen asleep at school: yes (+ overnight there)
Broken someone’s heart: doubt it
Fell off your chair: yep
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Does waiting for someone on MSN messenger count?

What is your room like: messy
What’s right beside you: Other computers cuz im in uni comp room. Bag with things-i-should-be-studying-RIGHTNOW on the floor next to me.
What is the last thing you ate: Ham and cheese sandwich

Ever had chicken pox: nop
Sore throat: yes
Stitches: Yes! plus general anaesthetic...
Broken nose: No

Do you believe in love at first sight: Not really
Like picnics: In Dunedin WINTER? are you nuts?

Who was, were the last person you danced with: People at wine and cheese
Last made you smile: Melanie? just normal chatting
You last yelled at: (Allcaps on messenger) Ms Sam, i think....

Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: Yes, a few friends.
Kissed anyone: No
Get sick: No (but am entirely frustrated with msn webmessenger)
Talk to an ex: nop
Miss someone: Not particularly
Eat: Yes

Best feeling in the world:
Post-exams going-out-for-a-few-drinks high
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No, but I have 4 pillows...
What’s under your bed: Dust, probably some A4 paper + maybe a book or two
Who do you really hate: No one, really
What time is it now?: 1:04pm

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Sleeping
2. Reading lots and lots of fiction
3. Playing badminton
4. mIRC
5. Learning how to cook... sortof

5 things on my to-do list today:
1. 2 lectures to go
2. Studygroup
3. Dinner (cook + eat)
4. Badminton
5. Sleeeeeepppppppp

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolate
2. Chips
3. Nut bars / muesli bars
4. Doughnuts
5. Bread with plenty of butter

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:

1. Bank/invest it and live off the interest
2. Do as much as possible to make sure IRD doesn't get like half of it
3. Donate some
4. Buy myself an island =D
5. Make myself even richer

5 of my bad habits:
1. Whining
2. Irritating people
3. Procrastination
4. Laziness
5. Internet addiction

5 places I have lived/stayed a night in:
1. Airport (um... Changi, Christchurch)
2. Bus trip (on the way to Limbang)
3. PGP at NUS
4. Home (kuching, sitiawan, singapore, NZ)
5. Ireland =p

5 things I will do after complete what im busy wif:
1. busy? me? um.... well... okay. After med school --> housemanship?
2. procrastinate
3. procrastinate
4. procrastinate
5. ... damn theres pharmacology to go through.

5 people I tag:
1. Michelle Sam
2. Jolynn Low
3. Su Xu Vin
4. Eugenie Mah
5. Tan Chee Eng

(time now : 1:13 pm. in 47 minutes there will be a lecture.)


  1. OMG I GOT TAGGED *please understand that this is a HISTORICAL EARTH-MOVING MOMENT for me*

    a moment of silence please.

    Haha. ill do it when i get down to it :)

    And im glad u moved!

  2. wow!!! I'm actually tagged!!! No ones tagged me b4 unless facebook counts... I suppose, but that' just once. Even midget never tags me!!!

    Thanks. Will do so when there's time
