

Blog Archive

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Back to Secondary School?


My schedule feels strangely like secondary school again.

Badminton : starting up in a week or so, i think - 3-4 times/week. If i get into the team...

Band : ... yes, i've started up again. hehehehe. Symphonic band (again).

Classes : okay, fewer classes (4hours/day every weekday), but more preparation/homework to do.

but with the important addition of chores : i'm flatting this year, so cook/clean/laundry/shopping needs to be all taken care of. Not that i'm complaining, its fun to be "independent" so to say, (except that i'm getting financed by parents).

So... yeah. band.

(Badminton is more routine now, i suppose, but we'll see this year's team makeup - and we'll see if im still joining =D)

And of course, the joys of trying(and failing) to sight-read. And pretending to play when actually im hopelessly lost.

But this is uni... so, instead of like 4-6 alto saxes playing, I'm one of three(!!!!) altos. Playing 2nd (but i did have a choice and 2nd is easier). The point is... Its much harder to "wayang". And the pieces are harder (duh!) - including one which has what seems like an insane number of running notes played at an insane speed (okay, only dottedcrochet=120, even then...)

On the other hand.. the clarinets *still* have it harder (snicker).

A bit surprised to know my tone + skills haven't completely gone... but i supposed thats normal.

First performance on 20th march (next next saturday). =D



  1. No fair!!! You have a symphonic band at uni??!!! DAMN!!!! I'd love to continue with something related to music... Sounds like a good band, but then again. Why 2nd? Should go for 1st! I would! The challenge and the glory.

  2. badminton. uhuh..




    U MIGHT AS WELL COME BACK TO ST3 or acs wooooiiiii! hahahhahahha...

    i trying not to laugh at the tot of you trying to wayang. LOLLLLL!

    sounds like a lot of fun (while killing urself in med sch joining 2 hard core activities hahahha)

    hav fun eve! Max the sax is back!

    *test in 2 wks, exams in 3 wks.. :S

  3. Seriously dead blog.

    Blog Moar!

  4. EVE TEO WHR HAVE YOU BEEN??? update update! :P
